Tasks are represented as dots on the hill chart, and their position indicates where they stand in terms of problem-solving and execution.
Key Features
Epic Hill Chart: Visualize your Epic’s child tasks on an intuitive hill chart.
Customizable Views: Choose which child tasks to display on the chart.
Interactive Progress Updates: Drag and drop tasks to update their position and progress.
Collaboration-Ready: Add comments when moving tasks to provide context and align your team.
Navigate to any Jira Epic in your project.
Click the “Apps” button under the Epic Name → “Easy Progress”
Look for the Easy Progress - Hill Chartsection in the Epic view.
Use the configuration options to select specific child tasks to include on the hill chart.
This allows you to focus only on the tasks that matter most.
3. Update Task Progress
Drag and drop task dots along the hill chart to indicate progress.
Move dots from the uphill side to the downhill side as tasks transition from problem-solving to execution.
4. Add Comments to Changes
When moving a task dot, you’ll be prompted to add a comment.
Use this feature to explain why a task’s progress has changed or add relevant details for your team.
Comments are saved as standard Jira task comments for easy reference.
Best Practices
Regular Updates: Keep the hill chart updated to reflect the current progress and avoid misalignment.
Collaborate with Comments: Use comments to provide transparency and ensure everyone understands the context of changes.
Focus on Priorities: Display only the tasks that are critical to your Epic’s success.