Can I save more fields to a Template beside summary and description

Yes! Try it live: you can save Reporter, Components and more!

How can I create template for Epics with multiple tasks (not sub-tasks) in it?

There's no such feature yet, but we are working on the ability to create issues from multiple selected templates, so that it will cover that case.

Why I can't find "Create from Template" or "Manage Templates" menu items?

  1. There's different implementation for such functionalities for Cloud and Server instances. Make you sure you spot at dedicated section of Create Issue from Template and Manage Tempates articles of our knowledge base.

  2. Manage templates for Server requires enabling "Bulk Change" Global Permissions for "jira-software-users" group. Check it out:

How can I help a team to better troubleshoot an error

Generate .HAR file following these instructions from Atlassian and send to us

I get "Internal server error" while Applying template on Cloud

Usually, it happens due to specific custom fields added by other addons after installations.

For instance, Github for Jira or  Azure Pipelines for Jira may add additional custom fields

So, if you have a "development" field:

and once you decide to show it on edit/view issue screens - Applying a template will raise an error.

Contact us if you have such issues. Every that case needs to be reviewed and specifically adapted by our team.