Jira Cloud Instructions

It's very Easy to create a new Jira issue using previously saved Template.

You have 2 options: "Create"  or "Prefill new issue" flows. Both have own benefits.

Create flow

Use it for templates with sub-tasks and if you want to streamline new issue creation.

If you have added Variables in you template’s content (like <<Employee Name>> - you'll be asked to fill its values.

A new Jira issue will be created immediately and pre-filled with following fields

Sub-tasks or child issues will be auto generated for corresponding issue containing own summary and descriptions

If no templates found corresponding to a selected issue type - then the error message will appear

You can use a hotkey to call the Templates selection dialog. Just press "x" being inside your Jira instance.

Prefill New Issue flow

Use it if modification to content required prior to a new issue actually creation.

Limited option

Sub-tasks will not be created automatically using this flow.

Jira Server and Data Center Instructions

It's very Easy to create a new Jira issue using previously saved Template.

Unlike in Cloud version - now you can use only single "Create" flow. Check it out!

In order to see "Create from Template" menu item the user need to have a Global Permissions -> Bulk Change permission

A new Jira issue will be created immediately and pre-filled with following fields

Sub-tasks will be auto generated for corresponding issue containing own summary and descriptions