Easy Templates access permissions depend on user access roles. Check the table below for more details:
Jira Cloud
Feature/Role | Jira Site Admin | Jira Project Admin | Jira User |
Create Template | | | |
Manage Templates | | | |
Create Issue from Template* | | | |
Apply Template | | | |
Info |
* - To Create an Issue from the Template, the user must have permission to issue creation in the target project - the project where he’s going to use the Template and create an issue(s) |
Jira Server & Data Center
Feature/Role | Jira Site Admin | Jira Project Admin | Jira User |
Create Template | | | |
Manage Templates | | | |
Create Issue from Template* | | | |
Apply Template | | | |
Info |
* - To access "Create from Template" menu item the user needs to have a Global Permissions → Bulk Change permission Image Added |
Insert excerpt |
| Support |
| Support |
nopanel | true |