Welcome to Easy Issue Templates Release Notes!
Maximize your efficiency in Jira with Easy Issue Templates - designed to streamline issue creation and ensure project consistency. Here, you'll find concise updates on our latest features, improvements, and fixes. Stay ahead with each release and make your project management effortless.
Happy templating!
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Easy Issue Template for Data Center.
Platform: Data Center
Version: 2.2.3
FIXED: Support instances with disabled subtasks
Easy Issue Template for Data Center.
Platform: Data Center
Version: 2.2.2
FIXED: The ability to save template while system Epic field renamed due to instance localization
Easy Issue Template for Data Center.
Platform: Data Center
Version: 2.2.0
What's new: Template Scoping, fixes, improvements
Release Notes
NEW Improved template scoping options, enabling restriction to designated projects.
NEW Template filtering based on context and scope during application.
NEW Added a preview of the description field on the Template editing interface.
FIXED Fixed an issue where applying a template caused a
"Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'status')"
error.IMPROVEDEnhancements to the UI/UX of the template editing form for a better user experience.
3.0.25 Jira Cloud.
What's new
Description field preview
Release Notes
When editing a Template, you can now preview the Description field. This feature allows users to see the actual appearance of the Description in the created issue, rather than just the basic markup format.
Also, we've included a handy link to the Formatting Notation Help for your convenience.
3.0.21 Jira Cloud.
What's new in version 3.0.21-AC
Enhanced scoping for templates, allowing them to be limited to specific projects
Release notes
Various UI/UX improvements in template editing and form functionality.
Enhanced scoping for templates, allowing them to be limited to specific projects.
Filtering templates according to context and scope when applying them.
Set minimum page height (workaround for the "AP.sizeToParent() doesn't take the entire page" bug https://ecosystem.atlassian.net/browse/ACJIRA-2092)
Library updates
3.0.20 Jira Cloud.
Implement support of label selection through Manage Template form
2.0.0 Jira Data Center.
A new generation of Easy Jira Issue Templates for Data Center
Improved UX
Epic templates support
Variables support
Manage Template field's scope
Extended Jira versions' compatibility
3.0.10 Jira Cloud.
Template Management page UI/UX improvements
Ability to find templates by name and/or issue type
Sorting templates by Issue Type
3.0.9 Jira Cloud.
UI/UX improvements
Ability to find templates by name and type, filter matching the issue type in the Apply Template dialog
Improved Project and Template search in the New Issue dialog
3.0.6 Jira Cloud.
Onboarding and zero-state improvements
Added ability to create templates:
On the Templates Management page
On the Get Started page
In the New Issue and Apply Template dialogs when there are no templates
3.0.1 Jira Cloud.
UI/UX Improvements 🎉
Simplified template selection when creating new issues
Added creation of sub/child tasks after pre-filling new issues
Added tree of created issues
Moved template variables to a separate step
Added ability to move back to each step or start over when creating issues
Added ability to navigate to any of created issues of any hierarchy level
Added ability to Apply templates of various issue types
Other minor UI/UX improvements
1.8.26 Jira Cloud.
Fixed order of child/sub-tasks
Improved order of Variables display
1.8.21 Jira Cloud.
Added: Ability to copy a template issue in order to extend the existing template instead of making a new one
Fixed: Hide unsuccessful issue creation error messages on the next try
1.8.18 Jira Cloud
Added child tasks' tree for better navigation while managing templates
Added an ability to Edit/Delete child/subtasks in Manage Template tree
1.8.13-AC Jira Cloud
Project Admins now can manage the templates!
If you are Project Administrator - go to Project Settings → Apps → Easy Templates
Manage templates: change templates’ fields, scope, delete, copy templates from there.
1.8.10-AC Jira Cloud
Added ability to fill Variables while Applying template and various improvements.
Now, after while choosing a template in Apply Template flow - you can fill variables.
1.8.2-AC Jira Cloud
Implemented Variables functionality
1.8.1-AC Jira Cloud Â
implemented Copy Template functionality
1.8.0-AC Jira Cloud Â
Fixed: Epic Template structure was not complete
Fixed: Child items were saved in reversed order
Improved: Pre-select current project when creating a template
1.6.0-AC Jira Cloud Â
Epic Templates support
Implemented support for Epic → Task → Subtask template hierarchy (aka deep Epic Clone)
Improved Templates & scope management
Fixed a few minor issues
Available on Jira Cloud only!
Create a structure with Epic with child Issues and related Subtasks. Save it as a template.
Now you are able to create a new Epic from the Template having all child Issues & Subtasks automatically created!
1.1.1 Jira Server and Data Center Â
​Fix error "Number value expected as the Sprint id error" while saving a template from Scrum related issue
1.1.0 Jira Server and Data Center Â
Fixed an issue with using Easy Templates and DEISER Profields addon on the same instance
1.5.17-AC Jira Cloud Â
​Skip disabled template fields while applying a template.
1.5.16-AC Jira Cloud Â
​Fixed typeahead on Template selection form
1.5.15-AC Jira Cloud Â
Improved Templates Management
Removed selection of optional fields while template saving
Added ability to Edit more than “Summary” and “Description”
Added ability to switch fields on/off
While new issue creation - disabled fields will be ignored
Check “Understanding of disabling Template field” section
Added validation on New Issue creation
Fixed saving of Subtasks assignees
Check the Enabling template fields. Cloud for a better understanding of the new template editing functionality!
Note: this is a beta feature. Please report any problems you may encounter while templates management and issue creation.
1.5.14-AC Jira Cloud Â
Allow Closing New Issue dialog with a button when nothing is selected
1.5.11-AC Jira Cloud Â
Fixed 32KB limit on Template creation that was caused by big list of subtasks
Introduced own backend to work with templates faster
Template editing will be limited as currently, it lacks the validations required to guarantee its integrity and causes issues in some situations.
This limitation is not related to storage changes. It's a temporary, improved version will be released as soon as possible.
Removed Easy Templates actions under Glance View and Quick Access button as Atlassian has fixed an issue why we had to introduce that view in version v1.5.8-AC Jira Cloud 17 Aug 2019Â
Check Reason For changes
v1.5.8-AC Jira Cloud Â
After previous release we've decided to change "Easy Templates Actions" location so they don't take central panel space.
Templates Actions moved to Issue Glance View (for New Jira UX)
"Save Template", "Apply Template" actions available on a right side bar
We stiil going to keep "Save" and "Apply" actions as a part of Issue Menu items. So on A JSD (Jira Service Desk) Projects is won't be shown on Glance view, which is simply not available there, but on a menu
Reason for the changes: recent regression issues found in Jira functionality
v1.5.6-AC Jira Cloud Â
Change "Save/Apply templates flow" to fix the issue of not receiving context parameters from Jira
Use the quick add menu in Jira Issue to show "Easy Templates" action buttons.
v1.0.22 Jira Server Â
Added support of PCF-Single Autocomplete Fields from Power Custom Fields add-on
Fields can be saved in a template
Fields will be filled automatically while new issue creation from template
v1.0.21 Jira Server, v1.5.4-AC Jira Cloud Â
Added: Set the current user as a reporter when creating from a template. Ignore reporter value saved in template
v1.5.3-AC Jira Cloud Â
Compatibility with Jira Cloud REST API GDPR changes
v1.0.20 Jira Server
Fixed issue creation from the template on IE
Fixed navigation from the dashboard on IE
v1.0.19 Jira Server, v1.5.1-AC Jira Cloud
Fixed saving Templates in Service Desk projects
Fixed applying Account from Tempo Timesheet add-on to the created issue
v1.0.16 Jira Server
Fixed showing Apply dialog on Issues Search
v1.5.0-AC Jira Cloud Â
Minor bugfixes
removed not required permission scope
v1.4.0-AC Jira Cloud Â
Minor bugfixes
Added ability to create subtasks via Apply flow
v1.0.14 Jira Server
Fixed creation of subtasks which contains required fields
v1.0.10 Jira Server
Added ability for non-admins to create a new issue from the template
Fixed issue with subtasks creation via Apply flow
Known issue: non-admin Users have access to Manage Templates section but can't save the changes
v1.0.4 Jira Server
Minor bugs fixed and bundle size optimized.
Jira Server Released! v1.0.0 .
1.3.8 Apply Template Â
Read more: Apply Template
1.3.7 Prefill "Create Issue" form with Template's data Â
Use this flow if you need to correct or add more details to your issue prior to creation!
Please note: sub-tasks won't be auto-created with this approach
Step 1. Open "Templates" from sidebar and click "Prefill New Issue"
Step 2. Go to "Create Issue" screen and add necessary details
Step 3. Click "Create" and get to the new item!
Read more on Create Issue from Template
1.3.6 Save Component per sub-task View Â
1.3.5 Support next-gen projects Â
1.3.4 Minor version update Â
1.3.3Â Pre-select project while new issue creation Â
1.3.2 Minor bugfixes Â
1.3.1 Select optional fields to save Â
1.3.0 Required Scope Changes Â
For any questions or feature requests contact us via Customer Portal