Release Notes

Release Notes

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Maximize your efficiency in Jira with Easy Issue Templates - designed to streamline issue creation and ensure project consistency. Here, you'll find concise updates on our latest features, improvements, and fixes. Stay ahead with each release and make your project management effortless.

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Easy Issue Templates for Jira Cloud

Platform: Cloud

Version: 3.0.58-AC

Release Summary: New variable types: Single Select, Multi-Select

  • NEW Added a few new variable types

    • Single Select Dropdown Variable
      It allows users to choose a single option from a predefined list, ideal for setting specific statuses, categories, departments, or other exclusive options in issue templates.

    • Multi-Select dropdown
      It enables the selection of multiple options from a list, perfect for adding tags, applicable teams, or custom labels to issues where multiple values may be relevant.


How it works?