Issue Checklist for Jira

Issue Checklist for Jira

This instruction applies to the following apps:

There are two types of integrations that are possible:

  • Option 1. Using Checklist Text custom field

  • Option 2. Using issue labels

Option #1. Integrate Issue Checklist with Easy Templates using Checklist Text custom field

How to save the issue checklist as part of the Easy Issue Template

  1. Please make sure to enable the custom fields integration within the Issue Checklist for Jira “Global Settings”.

    1. Go to Jira settings → Apps → Issue Checklist Global Settings

    2. Enable Save checklist data to Jira custom fields


  2. Make sure Checklist Text is added to Jira Issue Edit screen in Screens configuration

  3. To make Jira issue screens less cluttered - you may hide the custom field using “Configure” option in Issue screen

  4. Add checklist items

  5. You can see if an issue has been updated by showing the “Checklist Text” field as a column in the advanced issue search.

  6. Save an issue template via Easy Templates app. Checklist Text field values would be saved into the template as well.

How to restore saved checklist from Issue Template

  1. That’s it! Now, when you create a new issue from the Template - Checklist would be populated with the saved checklist automatically!

How to see and manage saved checklists in Easy Issue Template

  1. Make sure, the Checklist Text field is added to the global Create Issue Jira screen

  2. Go to Apps → Easy Templates for Jira

  3. Open Template and you’ll see the saved template as Custom fields in the checklist app’s text format

Option #2. Integrate Issue Checklist with Easy Templates using issue labels

In short - consider using an approach, described in an article Adding Templates to Issues

  1. Save Checklist template

    1. assume you need to create Definition of done checklist

    2. add checklist to an issue

    3. Save as template

    4. Give it the name “defninition_of_done”

  2. Create an Issue label called “definition_of_done”

  3. Save Jira issue as a template via the Easy Issue Template app

  4. The issue Template should look like
    Having label added

  5. Now, when creating a new issue from that template, the checklist template will be automatically applied based on the defined issue label per checklist functionality




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