Epic Templates

Epic Templates

Jira Epic Templates is available in Easy Issue Templates for Jira Cloud and Data Center! Create a Jira issues hierarchy structure that contains multiple nesting levels with only one click!

Whether you are working in an agency running a set of tasks for setting up a new Jira project for a new client, managing HR tasks for new hires and employees onboarding, or tracking updates of software projects, Epic templates will drastically simplify your work and obviously will make it much easier!

Moreover, both classic and next-gen projects are supported!

Let's see how it works in detail.

Create an Epic template in Jira Сloud and Data Center

Create a parent Jira Epic issue. Add as many child issues for Epic issue type or subtasks for Stories, Tasks, and other issue types as you want.

Then Save Parent Epic as a Template by navigating to the Issue ellipsis menu → Save template


Create Issue from Epic Template in Jira Cloud and Data Center

Once you need to create a new issue from the template – click “Templates” menu item on a Project left sidebar or “Apps” top Nav bar or by pressing “X” hotkey button.

Choose Project and “Epic” issue type. Then choose an Epic template you need.

After clicking Create - Epic with all its child issues (stories, tasks) and their subtasks will be created instantly!

Important note for Easy Templates for Data Center version.

To make a correct parent-child relation persist in hierarchy like Epic - Task - Subtaks, you need to make sure, the Epic Link field is added to “Create Issue” and “View Issue” Screen!

Manage Epic Templates in Jira Cloud and Data Center

We’ve also improved Template Management module. Now you can easily navigate between parent and child tasks, change supported field values, and disable those that should not be used in templates making your own template usage scope!



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